Just in time for Halloween, we give you a truly creepy animal: the Horror Hairy Frog from Cameroon. Not only are the bristly skin appendages truly unsightly, this amphibian also has a nasty little trick up its hands. Through a bizarre twist of evolution, the Hairy Frog literally breaks its own bones as a defense mechanism.
How it works:
1. Hairy Frog is threatened.
2. Hairy Frog breaks its tiny finger bones, puncturing the toe pad skin: Exhibit A.
3. Hairy Frog effectively creates claws, made of bone: Exhibit B.
4. Hairy Frog can now defend itself, or at least clamor away from a potentially deadly situation. Everyone is creeped out.

(Ex. A) Just got them claws did.

(Ex. B) Tiny frog hand. Bones piercing through it. WTF?
I want one
What is this I don’t even… It’s like a friggin’… Werewolf frog. O-o With zombie-like abilities that just make you go WTF
Bone claws when threatened? This frog should be called the “Wolverine Frog” 😀
Fu abomination … that they began to evolve ?!)))
Yeah, like wolverine only scarier because IT’S A FREAKING FROG.
this thing is werid amjen how many time u would need to break ur fingers and when u get attct and u try to break them again….. OUCHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!